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Solutions Corner: Salesforce News & More

Unlocking Data: Enhancing Homebuyer Experiences with Salesforce Data Cloud

Give potential homebuyers personalized experiences by leveraging unified data and insights with Data Cloud.

Salesforce Summer ‘24 Release Highlights to Have on Your Radar for Sales, Service, Marketing, and More

From auto-generated sales emails to exciting Marketing Cloud enhancements, here are some of the updates and features you should know about.

Salesforce Spring ‘24 Release Highlights You Should Care About for Sales, Service, Marketing, and More

From a new seller dashboard to easy AI predictions in Einstein Studio, here are some of the updates and features to have on your radar.

Salesforce Einstein: The Latest AI & GPT News

You Can Now Use Einstein to Build a Draft Flow for You

Whether you’re looking to optimize your sales processes, enhance customer service, or make data-driven strategic decisions, Einstein for Flows and Einstein for Formulas equips businesses with the tools they need to succeed.

Businesses in the Consumer Goods Industry Can Drive Profitable Growth with Unified Data and New AI Features Available in Consumer Goods Cloud

New data and AI solutions for Consumer Goods Cloud can help businesses unlock, unify, and action on customer data — including Data Cloud for Consumer Goods, Einstein Copilot, and Consumer Goods Cloud Einstein 1 for Sales.

New Einstein 1 Marketing and Commerce Products and Features Will Help Your Business Transform the Customer Journey

Einstein Copilot for Marketing and Merchants will help businesses automate and enhance daily marketing and merchandising tasks, along with Einstein Personalization and Data Cloud for Commerce.

Company News

Kelley Austin Raises $14,000 for Dallas High School Students with Big Dreams of Starting their Own Businesses

Kelley Austin Salesforce consultants gathered to mentor students at a local DISD high school, guiding them in developing their business ideas from the ground up in a “Shark Tank-style” entrepreneurship competition.

2024 Kelley Austin Business Value Services: Set Your Salesforce Org Up for Success

Whether you’re interested in discovering the best use cases for Data Cloud or having your Service Cloud or Marketing Cloud org assessed, our team of experts is here to help.

Kelley Austin Reaches New Heights, Becoming One of the Fastest Salesforce Partners to Attain Summit Status

Only a small percentage of Salesforce Partners achieve Summit status every year, making the Kelley Austin team immensely proud of this remarkable achievement.



What can we do for your business?

At Kelley Austin we're proud to provide tailored Salesforce solutions across a variety of industries. Our expert knowledge and many years of experience in all aspects of the Salesforce ecosystem have earned us high levels of satisfaction from our clients.

We're ready to find the right solutions for your industry today.


Our Clients Say

“They overcame everything we threw at them and continue to do so on a daily basis. Our company is growing everyday with new business acquisitions coming on board every month. In addition we intend on implementing more Salesforce business tools and 3rd party apps and we have all the confidence that Kelley Austin will meet all our requirements and will do so on our typically accelerated schedule.”
— VP, Communications Client